The Tangibility of Memories

The Tangibility of Memories

afbeelding van Fernando

FernandDe Canne

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Foto informatie

Categorie(ën): Straatfotografie
Datum genomen: dinsdag, februari 23, 2021 - 10:04
Datum geupload: donderdag, mei 20, 2021 - 15:50
Camera: X-T2
Sluitertijd: 10/80
ISO: 250
Diafragma: f/2.8
FileDateTime: 0
FileSize: 369034
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ImageWidth: 1200
ImageLength: 1800
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Software: Adobe Photoshop 22.4 (Windows)
DateTime: 2021:05:20 14:43:45
Artist: Fernand De Canne
Exif_IFD_Pointer: 848
ExposureTime: 10/80
FNumber: 280/100
ExposureProgram: 4
ISOSpeedRatings: 250
ExifVersion: 0230
DateTimeOriginal: 2021:02:23 10:04:04
DateTimeDigitized: 2021:02:23 10:04:04
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FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 27
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